The fifth installment of the Kara no Kyoukai series, Mujun Rasen
(Paradox Spiral), is somewhat of a departure from the previous four
outings not just in terms of its running time (almost two hours), but
also in terms of art direction and story.
Set around two months after Fukan Fuukei, the tale begins with a
disjointed sequence of events that are gradually cleared up as the movie
continues. The story itself centres around a boy named Enjou Tomoe, who
is saved from a group of thugs by
Ryougi Shiki. She invites him to stay with her after he begs her to hide
him somewhere as he believes that he has committed a crime and appears
to be on the run.
During this time it seems that Kokuto Mikiya is away on some business,
and Aozaki Touko is investigating an odd rumour she has heard from a
policeman she knows.
Now the main problem with the story direction is that many people will
be confused by the path it takes. There are numerous sequences that are
repeated several times, and the story has a tendency to not only jump
about from one time to another, but also from one event to another (a
style similar to that used by Luc Besson at times). The result is
something more along the lines of a Satoshi Kon production, and while
there will be many people who enjoy the numerous twists, turns, loops
and whorls that take place in the story, there will be just as many who
will be put off by the overwhelming amount of information one has to
process at times.
The art and animation throughout the series thus far has been top notch,
however there is a noticeable drop in quality in this Mujun Rasen.
Given the length of the movie it may be that Ufotable were forced to cut
some corners with the designs and animation, but there are quite a few
scenes where their normal quality really shines through. The CG is, as
always, of a very high standard and runs smoothly in conjunction with
the normal animation. The backgrounds and backdrops are well designed,
and a lot of thought has gone into ensuring that certain elements in
this area follow the concept of the story.
Unfortunately, the drop in quality I mentioned is noticeable in several
scenes, and in one in particular, the character looks constipated rather
than hysterical. In addition to this the animation of the action
sequences, whilst being excellent overall, suffers towards the end of
the movie, with one key sequence being more dizzying than breathtaking.
That said, the sequence in question will appeal to those who like roller
coasters at the very least.
The sound is on par with the other movies and is well executed overall.
The effects are extremely good throughout, but the old problem of the
noise sometimes being too overwhelming has reared its head once more.
The score used throughout the Mujun Rasen lends to the general
atmosphere, however there are times when the music seems a little out of
sync with the on-screen action.
On the plus side it seems my prayers have been answered as more is
revealed about Touko, especially as the antagonist in this film, Araya
Souren (who appeared briefly at the very end of the previous movie
declaring himself to be a magus), has a history with her. In addition to
this, there is a secondary character named Cornelius Alba who also has a
history with both Touko and Araya. In addition to this the viewer can
finally see some different sides to Shiki, as well as gaining some
insight into why Touko was so interested in her during the events of
Garan no Dou.
The downside is that Mikiya continues to be more of a supporting role in
this movie, and Tomoe, while generally being a decent character for the
most part, may annoy some people.
Even with those flaws, this is still an excellent movie (especially if
you can get your head around the plot). Fans of Kara no Kyoukai should
generally be pleased with this latest addition to the franchise, and
although it does drop a little in terms of animation and artwork, Mujun
Rasen will hopefully herald a new direction for the series.
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