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Thursday, July 18, 2013
Major S6 Review
It's impossible to describe this show with one word, but the closest would be.
And im not just talking about this season, but the show as a whole. It starts of with a bang, like these kind of animes usually do. With a tragedy that leads a talented individual to pursue his dream. In this case, to be the best baseball pitcher in the world. But most of all, just play baseball.
You follow Goro Shigeno/Honda through some rough years of his life. Battling with both injuries, tragedies and strong opponents. And they always get stronger, and the wall to climb always gets higher. And it's truly, an epic journey. There are some rough paths from little league to major league. But you quickly learn that there is no shortcut to success.
So, this anime follows a storyline pattern that is proven successful by many shows before. And then it's no suprise when i tell you, i think its brilliant. They start of with a little kid idolizing his father. But when his father falls victim to a freak accident, he starts to rely on himself. And grows to be, the very talented, hotheaded and cocky main character. With one goal, to get stronger.
The main character is very important in this series, more so than some of the other animes i have watched. Of course, all animes revolves around 1 or more main characters, but this series i feel is a little bit different. I can't put my finger on it, but they way they have done the "storytelling", makes me care more for this character than in any other anime. Maybe with the exception of Hajime no Ippo. Which is the only show i can compare it with, mainly because of the storytelling and the colorful characters.
So, i have followed Goro though fire and ice, thick and thin, blood and sweat.
And i have to be honest, i love him. I love his sincerity, his innocence and childish but cocky behaviour. His humour, his guts, his talent, his heart and his soul. And that's basically what this show is about.
What more do you need?
Pretty original, some signs of the shounen pattern, but still. It have turned it up a notch and spiced it further than anyone before them.
The first two seasons were decent. But from there the quality got alot better along the lines, and the last season is magnificent.
Realistic sound, alot of variation in the different scenarios. It's impressive in every way, and i can't recall that i have every noticed a flaw.
This show gets top score on character, but not just because of the main character. You meet alot of interesting characters when you follow Goro, and each and one of them are unique. Of course, some of them are similar to characters in other animes. But if you add all the characters up, they deserve top score. No doubt.
This show captures the nervous moment when you can decide a game, with one throw/pitch. And does it brilliantly. But the humour, the characters and the story are marvelous. I almost cried when i was finished with the last episode, and it left me with that empty hole in your heart. The feeling you usually get when you miss something and you want more.
That means i enjoyed it alot, and it deserves full score
No suprise here.
When you get that empty feeling like i just wrote about. That's a pretty good indication that this anime was superb.
So, what can i say. It's been almost three months since i finished this anime, and the emptiness in my heart is still there.
You want any more reasons to watch this?
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